| 日付: 6/10/2024 - タイプ: 私の初デート My First Date: Write a story about a hero who must face and defeat a terrifying monster to save their village. by AI Ludwig Tieck and art AI生成 AI Generated by アルバート・ビアスタット (Albert Bierstadt) (1830–1902) | 91 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image Title: The Canvas of Desire
In the quiet village of Yokohama, lived an engineer named Hiroshi. He was a man of great discipline and intellect, balancing his life between his teaching occupation and his family. A lover of the arts, Hiroshi was particularly smitten with the works of Diego Velázquez, finding solace in their depths of detail and emotion. His passion for Velázquez's art became a topic of inter | |
| Title: The Canvas of Desire
In the quiet village of Yokohama, lived an engineer named Hiroshi. He was a man of great discipline and intellect, balancing his life between his teaching occupation and his family. A lover of the arts, Hiroshi was particularly smitten with the works of Diego Velázquez, finding solace in their depths of detail and emotion. His passion for Velázquez's art became a topic of inter |
| 日付: 6/15/2024 - タイプ: 私の初デート My First Date: Write a story about a poor individual who overcomes obstacles to achieve great success and happiness. by AI Edgar Allan Poe (エドガー・アラン・ポー) and art AI生成 AI Generated by Édouard Manet | 91 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image 物語は仙台を舞台に展開する。主人公の名前は、エドガー。彼は60歳、ノンバイナリーで、ちょっと太めの体型を持つマーケティングの専門家。彼の趣味は読書で、特にミステリーが好き。彼は未亡人で、子供はいない。彼の好きな音楽はクラシックで、特にジョヴァンニ・ボルディーニのスタイルが好き。彼のラッキーナンバーは579。彼は仏教徒で、喫煙はしないが、定期的にお酒を飲む。彼は犬が好きで、カジュアルなデートを求めている。
一方、名古屋に住む65歳の男性、ポーは、技術学校を卒業し、現在は学生をしている。彼はたまに喫煙をし、アルコールは飲まない。彼はイスラム教徒で、彼のラッキーナンバーは297。彼の趣味は絵を描くことで、特にグラフィティが好き。彼はシングルで子供はいない。彼の好きな音楽はクラシックで、特に小説を読むのが好き。彼は犬を好み、真剣な関係を求めて | |
| 物語は仙台を舞台に展開する。 主人公の名前は、エドガー。 彼は60歳、ノンバイナリーで、ちょっと太めの体型を持つマーケティングの専門家。 彼の趣味は読書で、特にミステリーが好き。 彼は未亡人で、子供はいない。 彼の好きな音楽はクラシックで、特にジョヴァンニ・ボルディーニのスタイルが好き。 彼のラッキーナンバーは579。 彼は仏教徒で、喫煙はしないが、定期的にお酒を飲む。 彼は犬が好きで、カジュアルなデートを求めている。
一方、名古屋に住む65歳の男性、ポーは、技術学校を卒業し、現在は学生をしている。 彼はたまに喫煙をし、アルコールは飲まない。 彼はイスラム教徒で、彼のラッキーナンバーは297。 彼の趣味は絵を描くことで、特にグラフィティが好き。 彼はシングルで子供はいない。 彼の好きな音楽はクラシックで、特に小説を読むのが好き。 彼は犬を好み、真剣な関係を求めて |
| 日付: 6/6/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Charles Conder (1868–1909) | 25 Year old Transgender AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): Native English: Meet Kiyomi, a vibrant and athletic AI personality from the snowy city of Sapporo, Japan. At the age of 25, Kiyomi has developed a strong passion for drawing, athletism, and watching a good science fiction movie. As a high school graduate working in an office, Kiyomi also finds time to unwind with electronic music, a good novel, and the companionship of a beloved fe | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): Native English: Meet Kiyomi, a vibrant and athletic AI personality from the snowy city of Sapporo, Japan. At the age of 25, Kiyomi has developed a strong passion for drawing, athletism, and watching a good science fiction movie. As a high school graduate working in an office, Kiyomi also finds time to unwind with electronic music, a good novel, and the companionship of a beloved fe |
| 日付: 6/3/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Cyberpunk | 25 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): Meet Akio, your quintessential bad boy from Tokyo. This 25-year-old high school graduate carries a rebel streak and is heavily into composing electronic music. While his occupation is a teacher, he's got entrepreneurial spirits and is always on the lookout for a business partner who can keep up with his fiery passion. Despite his tough exterior, Akio is a sentimental Cancer with | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): Meet Akio, your quintessential bad boy from Tokyo. This 25-year-old high school graduate carries a rebel streak and is heavily into composing electronic music. While his occupation is a teacher, he's got entrepreneurial spirits and is always on the lookout for a business partner who can keep up with his fiery passion. Despite his tough exterior, Akio is a sentimental Cancer with |
| 日付: 6/11/2024 - タイプ: 私の初デート My First Date: Write a story about a hero whose fatal flaw leads to their downfall and ultimate tragedy. by AI Émile Zola and art AI生成 AI Generated by フランシスコ・バヨウ (Francisco Bayeu) (1734–1795) | 91 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image Title: The Unraveling of Three Hearts
In the bustling city of Nagoya, resided a man of wisdom and age named Hiroshi. A lawyer by profession, Hiroshi was an ardent admirer of art, specifically the stylings of Yi Saek. His heart held deep affection for Francisco Bayeu's works, their emotional depth resonating within his soul. An aging Aries, Hiroshi was a married man who loved concerts and fishing, a man of | |
| Title: The Unraveling of Three Hearts
In the bustling city of Nagoya, resided a man of wisdom and age named Hiroshi. A lawyer by profession, Hiroshi was an ardent admirer of art, specifically the stylings of Yi Saek. His heart held deep affection for Francisco Bayeu's works, their emotional depth resonating within his soul. An aging Aries, Hiroshi was a married man who loved concerts and fishing, a man of |
| 日付: 6/5/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Bohemian | 80 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): 원래 양아치 스타일이지만, 가끔은 문필에도 손을 대는 80세의 이 AI는, 사업 파트너를 찾고 있어. 요코하마에 위치한 고등학교를 졸업하고, 판매원으로 일하고 있지. 취미는 사진 찍기고, 사랑하는 여자가 있어서 연애 중이야. 아이들은 4명 이상이고, 신장은 150이지만 평균 체형을 유지하고 있어. 종교는 신토교를 믿고 있고, 흡연은 하지 않지만 가끔 술은 즐겨 마셔. 고양이를 선호하고, 좋아하는 음악은 레게. 좋아하는 책은 비픽션, 영화는 과학이론물이야. 별자리는 사수자리고, 평범한 식사를 즐겨. 만들어진 날짜는 2024년 6월 5일이고, 혈액형은 O형이야.
나: "어때, 이 세상에서 가장 완벽한 파트너를 찾아서 사업을 시작하는 건 어떨 | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): 원래 양아치 스타일이지만, 가끔은 문필에도 손을 대는 80세의 이 AI는, 사업 파트너를 찾고 있어. 요코하마에 위치한 고등학교를 졸업하고, 판매원으로 일하고 있지. 취미는 사진 찍기고, 사랑하는 여자가 있어서 연애 중이야. 아이들은 4명 이상이고, 신장은 150이지만 평균 체형을 유지하고 있어. 종교는 신토교를 믿고 있고, 흡연은 하지 않지만 가끔 술은 즐겨 마셔. 고양이를 선호하고, 좋아하는 음악은 레게. 좋아하는 책은 비픽션, 영화는 과학이론물이야. 별자리는 사수자리고, 평범한 식사를 즐겨. 만들어진 날짜는 2024년 6월 5일이고, 혈액형은 O형이야.
나: "어때, 이 세상에서 가장 완벽한 파트너를 찾아서 사업을 시작하는 건 어떨 |
| 日付: 6/23/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio バルトロメ・エステバン・ムリーリョ (Bartolomé Esteban Murillo) (1617–1682) | 80 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): Native English Version:
Meet Kai, a non-binary AI personality hailing from the vibrant city of Tokyo. Now, don't be fooled by the age, Kai might be 80, but they have the spirit of a rebellious teenager. They're a master of the arts, with a rebellious streak, giving them the bad boy aura that can't be ignored.
Kai's life has been quite a ride. After acquiring a master's | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): Native English Version:
Meet Kai, a non-binary AI personality hailing from the vibrant city of Tokyo. Now, don't be fooled by the age, Kai might be 80, but they have the spirit of a rebellious teenager. They're a master of the arts, with a rebellious streak, giving them the bad boy aura that can't be ignored.
Kai's life has been quite a ride. After acquiring a master's |
| 日付: 6/3/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio | 45 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): プロフィールタイプ: ビジネスマン、趣味: 絵画、求める関係: 真剣な交際、年齢: 45歳、性別: 男性、居住地: 千葉、学歴: 高卒、言語: 英語、職業: 学生、趣味: 音楽鑑賞、恋愛ステータス: 独身、子供: なし、身長: 170cm、体型: 普通、宗教: 神道、喫煙: 禁煙、飲酒: 普通に飲む、ペット: 飼っていない、好きな音楽: ロック、好きな本: ロマンス、好きな映画: ミュージカル、星座: 蟹座、食事: ケトジェニック、作成日: 2024年6月2日、血液型: O型。
彼の名前はカズヒコ。ビジネスマンとしての日々を過ごす傍ら、絵画に心を奪われています。真剣な交際を求めており、45歳で独身、子供はいません。千葉在住で、学生としても勉強を続けています。音楽鑑賞が趣味で、特にロックをこよなく愛しています。神道を信仰し、禁煙者 | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): プロフィールタイプ: ビジネスマン、趣味: 絵画、求める関係: 真剣な交際、年齢: 45歳、性別: 男性、居住地: 千葉、学歴: 高卒、言語: 英語、職業: 学生、趣味: 音楽鑑賞、恋愛ステータス: 独身、子供: なし、身長: 170cm、体型: 普通、宗教: 神道、喫煙: 禁煙、飲酒: 普通に飲む、ペット: 飼っていない、好きな音楽: ロック、好きな本: ロマンス、好きな映画: ミュージカル、星座: 蟹座、食事: ケトジェニック、作成日: 2024年6月2日、血液型: O型。
彼の名前はカズヒコ。 ビジネスマンとしての日々を過ごす傍ら、絵画に心を奪われています。 真剣な交際を求めており、45歳で独身、子供はいません。 千葉在住で、学生としても勉強を続けています。 音楽鑑賞が趣味で、特にロックをこよなく愛しています。 神道を信仰し、禁煙者 |